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Synonyms for kingsnake

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Our observation is unusual because kingsnakes in this subspecies usually are associated with reptilian prey such as lizards, snakes, eggs of snakes (Trauth and McAllister, 1995), and eggs of turtles (Brauman and Fiorillo, 1995), although there is a record of a kingsnake eating a Ouachita dusky salamander (Desmognathus brimleyorum) and another eating a golden mouse (Ochrotomys nuttalli; Trauth and McAllister, 1995).
A Merseyside police spokesman said: "We contacted the Tropical School of Medicine who identified it as a Californian kingsnake.
Pemberton and Carriger (1916) reported predation by a California kingsnake of the nest of a least Bell's vireo in Colton, San Bernardino Co., California.
RSPCA animal collection officer William Galvin said of the California kingsnake: "This snake is young and healthy and has been taken to a specialist centre while we make enquiries.
Species I have recorded in the larger Stemler Karst Natural Area that were not detected in SCNP include Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum), Eastern Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum), Prairie Kingsnake (Lampropeltis calligaster), Smooth Earthsnake (Virginia valeriae) and Eastern Musk Turtle (Sternotherus odoratus).
The mum of four found the 4ft brown-belly California kingsnake lying on her chest after she threw back her duvet.
Blatchley (1891, 1899) specifically mentioned spotted salamander, marbled salamander, tiger salamander, newt, slimy salamander, gray treefrog, worm snake (Carphophis amoenus), and prairie kingsnake (Lampropeltis calligaster) as being taken at Sand Hill.
Berry * 9:45 THE FOSSIL SNAKES OF NORTH AMERICA--HOW OLD IS THAT KINGSNAKE?, Dennis Parmley 10:00 Break and Section Business Meeting POSTER
Mast cell tumor in an eastern kingsnake (Lampropeltis getulusgetulus).
Only one predator, a prairie kingsnake (Lampropeltis calligaster calligaster), could be positively identified to species by locating the snake after it had consumed a radio-tagged juvenile male gopher (Connior et al., 2009).
A meeting of other critters including an iguana a butterfly a dragonfly and a Kingsnake produces a plan to save Timmy.
Regardless of the low plant-species diversity, this community supports a rather large animal fauna, including kangaroo rats, the blacktailed jackrabbit, often seen resting in the shade of shrubs, and many reptiles, including a rather long list of lizards and snakes, including rattlesnakes and several non-poisonous species like the California kingsnake (Lampropeltis getulus californinae).
But you might be looking at one of its harmless near-twins, the scarlet snake and scarlet kingsnake, both of which occupy part of the coral's southern coastal range, from North Carolina to east Texas.
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