The contrary happens in kingdoms governed like that of France, because one can easily enter there by gaining over some baron of the kingdom, for one always finds malcontents and such as desire a change.
Now if you will consider what was the nature of the government of Darius, you will find it similar to the kingdom of the Turk, and therefore it was only necessary for Alexander, first to overthrow him in the field, and then to take the country from him.
And this was the reason that, long ago, In this
kingdom by the sea, A wind blew out of a cloud by night Chilling my ANNABEL LEE; So that her high-born kinsmen came And bore her away from me, To shut her up, in a sepulchre In this
kingdom by the sea.
The empire of Abyssinia hath been one of the largest which history gives us an account of: it extended formerly from the Red Sea to the
kingdom of Congo, and from Egypt to the Indian Sea.
Further on he came to a room where a beautiful young lady sat upon a couch; and she welcomed him joyfully, and said, if he would set her free from the spell that bound her, the
kingdom should be his, if he would come back in a year and marry her.
"It will not be to the detriment or prejudice of any of them, my worthy lord," said the afflicted damsel; and here Sancho Panza drew close to his master's ear and said to him very softly, "Your worship may very safely grant the boon she asks; it's nothing at all; only to kill a big giant; and she who asks it is the exalted Princess Micomicona, queen of the great
kingdom of Micomicon of Ethiopia."
"I wish there wasn't a saucepan in my
kingdom," he said.
Surely, at this day, with us of Europe, the vantage of strength at sea (which is one of the principal dowries of this
kingdom of Great Britain) is great; both because most of the
kingdoms of Europe, are not merely inland, but girt with the sea most part of their compass; and because the wealth of both Indies seems in great part, but an accessory to the command of the seas.
Nobody could tell you how to find any place in the
kingdom, for nobody ever went intentionally to any place, but only struck it by accident in his wanderings, and then gener- ally left it without thinking to inquire what its name was.
To avoid which censure I fear I have run too much into the other extreme; and that if this treatise should happen to be translated into the language of Brobdingnag (which is the general name of that
kingdom,) and transmitted thither, the king and his people would have reason to complain that I had done them an injury, by a false and diminutive representation.
My heart sank when I perceived that the commander was the vizir who had dethroned my father, and was come to seize the
kingdom of my uncle.
And as this child-queen came sailing to her
kingdom she died on board ship, and so never saw the land over which she ruled.
At last a king's daughter came into the wood; she had lost her way, and could not find her father's
kingdom again.
As with the
kingdoms of the earth, there are regions more turbulent than others.
These two thrones except, The rest are barbarous, and scarce worth the sight, Shared among petty kings too far removed; These having shewn thee, I have shewn thee all The
kingdoms of the world, and all their glory.