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Synonyms for intractability

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The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for intractability

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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The evidence Forbath provides for the courts' intractability is powerful.
If the current standoff on immigration reform isn't the very model of Washington intractability, I don't know what is.
He explained that the intractability of the region towards these efforts is due to the rejection of a single state in the region which is Israel of any effort in this way, despite the succession of resolutions by the General Assembly of the United Nations since 1974, to make the Middle East a zone free of nuclear weapons and the most recent decision of the Review Conference in 2010, which set the year 2012 as a date for the conference making the Middle East a zone free of nuclear weapons.
The recent deaths of the two convicts in Pakistani and Indian prisons, respectively, bolsters the need for the two countries to adopt intractability as the tone of dialogue.
I take a view, and, given the intractability of our cheap 'take this train or you DIE' ticket, decide it makes sense to do these en route to the station, as trying to go out and come back again and still remain on schedule are about fifty million to one.
In areas of political unrest, armed conflict and natural disasters, where conventional telecom services are inconsistent or vulnerable, Thuraya's services have proven to be fundamental in sharing and transferring confidential information by ensuring high levels of security and intractability.
At the outset of his mission, Brahimi set the tone by playing down expectations, and talking about the intractability of the Syrian conflict.
Like his predecessors, he's hemmed in by the limitations on presidential power, an independent Congress, the inertia of government and the stubborn intractability of many problems, domestic and foreign.
If so many people have become apathetic about politics, much of this can be attributed to the intractability of the Cyprus Problem.
But all the Erfurt theatrical magic conjured up with the aid of Hartmut Schorghofers sets and Corinna Cronies costumes could not overcome the physical intractability of Dvorak's Undine-inspired libretto.
Heath wrote: "As you know, there is no lack of people who are losing patience with the apparent intractability of Irish affairs." It was important the two governments should be seen to be working harmoniously and he did not want people to be "suddenly confronted with the spectacle of those same two governments once more apparently at loggerheads."
If nobody took President Bush's one-year deadline for Mideast peace, announced at the Annapolis conference in November last year, seriously it was not because of the limited time and sheer intractability of the issues like the future of Jerusalem, the fate of Palestinian refugees and the exact borders of a Palestinian state.
Many believe the only way to overcome the intractability of the conflict is when international concern translates into sufficient pressure.
Initially concerned with understanding the intractability of the violent secession wars that led to the break-up of Yugoslavia, the authors (both of Macquarie U., Australia) were led towards comparative studies of violent and peaceful secessions and the theoretical attempts to understand them.
Certainly, despite being an ardent early Blairite and architect of New Labour, she was punished for her intractability in the 1999 reshuffle and was denied the position of health minister, instead being demoted to the non-role of "cabinet enforcer".