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Synonyms for infernal

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for infernal

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for infernal

extremely evil or cruel

expletives used informally as intensifiers

being of the underworld

Related Words


Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
"You infernal bully!" I cried, as I gathered myself together.
Space may produce new Worlds; whereof so rife There went a fame in Heav'n that he ere long Intended to create, and therein plant A generation, whom his choice regard Should favour equal to the Sons of Heaven: Thither, if but to prie, shall be perhaps Our first eruption, thither or elsewhere: For this Infernal Pit shall never hold Caelestial Spirits in Bondage, nor th' Abysse Long under darkness cover.
Thus incorporeal Spirits to smallest forms Reduc'd thir shapes immense, and were at large, Though without number still amidst the Hall Of that infernal Court.
I wanted to yesterday, only it warn't any use trying to stir out of here, with those infernal boys play- ing over there on the hill right in full view."
"Those infernal boys" quaked again under the in- spiration of this remark, and thought how lucky it was that they had remembered it was Friday and concluded to wait a day.
"All those mirrors are sending out an infernal heat!
I was fairly driven to despair; nothing but the utter ruin of my 'face divine', as the poets call it, would, I perceived, satisfy the inexorable Mehevi and his chiefs, or rather, that infernal Karky, for he was at the bottom of it all.
He coaxed and blustered by turns, but in vain; the natives were neither to be intimidated nor appeased, and as a final resort he was obliged to call together his boat's crew, and pull away from what he termed the most infernal place he ever stepped upon.
Infernal War played at The Globe in Cardiff on Tuesday and were due to perform in other cities across the country.
Previously known as Infernal SS, the band describes its music as "the soundtrack to genocide" and have a song called Black Legions of the SS.
Infernal War played at The Globe inCardiffon Tuesday and were due to perform in other cities across the country.
THE INFERNAL LIBRARY By Daniel Kalder Holt $32, 400 pages ISBN 9781627793421 Audio, eBook available
If you're on Facebook, you've seen, by now, these infernal images of people's selfies compared to great portraits hanging in the world's finest galleries, courtesy of a Google app that intends to amuse you for a moment while collecting more personal data you should probably not give to any corporation.
Infernal Affairs , a 2002 cult movie from Hong Kong that inspired Martin Scorcese's The Departed , is set to be remade in India.
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Russian Foreign Ministry's official Spokeswoman said on Sunday that the searches at Russian diplomatic facilities in the United States were "an infernal buffoonery" that insulted the dignity of those ordered to conduct them in the first place.