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Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Words related to impunity

exemption from punishment or loss

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References in classic literature ?
Here was impunity still, but impunity almost excessive; inasmuch as the side-lights and the high fantracery of the entrance were glimmering straight into the hall; an appearance produced, he the next instant saw, by the fact that the vestibule gaped wide, that the hinged halves of the inner door had been thrown far back.
- Brydon breathed his wonder till the very impunity of his attitude and the very insistence of his eyes produced, as he felt, a sudden stir which showed the next instant as a deeper portent, while the head raised itself, the betrayal of a braver purpose.
They had that interest, as well as other interests, in ensuring their impunity from exposure, and they would leave no stone unturned, no sacrifice unattempted, no treachery untried, to discover the place in which their victim was concealed, and to part her from the only friends she had in the world--Marian Halcombe and myself.
These are not considered prejudicial to health, since both the natives and the whites sleep in the open air with perfect impunity. While this equable and bland temperature prevails throughout the lower country, the peaks and ridges of the vast mountains by which it is dominated, are covered with perpetual snow.
Moors and Jews sometimes place themselves under the protection of the foreign consuls, and then they can flout their riches in the Emperor's face with impunity.
It was the abuse of impunity by the side of the abuse of punishment; two bad things which strove to correct each other.
You think so, because you're his sister; and, on that account, I'll forgive you; but nobody else should so disparage Arthur Huntingdon to me with impunity.'
However, though he was not guilty of ill manners by rebuking a gentleman in his own house, he paid him off obliquely in the pulpit: which had not, indeed, the good effect of working a reformation in the squire himself; yet it so far operated on his conscience, that he put the laws very severely in execution against others, and the magistrate was the only person in the parish who could swear with impunity.
I consider jealousy, as you know, a humiliating and degrading feeling, and I shall never allow myself to be influenced by it; but there are certain rules of decorum which cannot be disregarded with impunity. This evening it was not I observed it, but judging by the impression made on the company, everyone observed that your conduct and deportment were not altogether what could be desired."
ISLAMABAD -- A new initiative, Pakistan Journalists Safety Coalition (PJSC), was launched in Islamabad on Wednesday to combat the impunity of crimes against journalists and strengthening the prevention, prosecution and protection regime for media practitioners in Pakistan.
The independent body, if set up, will be crucial in addressing police abuse and complaints, a subject which has long been discussed by the public sphere as more and more supposed cases of power abuse, deaths in detention and impunity under the police emerge.
We have arrested those working on the premises so that we can flush out their masters of impunity.'
Kenya will be host to eight ministers of justice and attorneys general from the Great Lakes Region attending a three-day conference on justice and good governance.The three day high-level regional conference will be reviewing progress, challenges and take steps concerning the fight against impunity and the administration of justice within the region.
QNA Doha Judge Kimberly Prost of the International Criminal Court (ICC) affirmed that the International Conference on National, Regional and International Mechanisms to Combat Impunity and Ensure Accountability under International Law hosted recently by the State of Qatar was successful by all standards.