But it is whispered that when he is most ferocious towards his old foe, he is really most considerate, and that Sir Leicester, in the dignity of being
implacable, little supposes how much he is humoured.
John May was of a morose and surly disposition, not easily moved to anger, but having an uncommon gift of sullen,
implacable hate.
Her iron-grey hair hung in heavy bands on either side of her face--her dark eyes looked straight forward, with a hard, defiant, implacable stare.
The tone of her voice was as hard, as defiant, as implacable as the expression of her eyes.
Not a muscle of her stirred--the hard, defiant, implacable stare in her eyes never wavered for an instant.
They had furious contests with England for the dominion of the sea, and were among the most persevering and most
implacable of the opponents of Louis XIV.
NANKANA SAHIB -- Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif on Thursday met the bereaved family of a 13-year-old boy who got his hand cut by an
implacable landlady in Nankana Sahib.
Stuart Rosser, CE of Caerphilly council, says
implacable opposition could have implications for other post offices in the area.
Police commissioner Sir Ian Blair wrote: "In proud memory and with an
implacable resolve to find those responsible." Muslim leader Mohammed Kozbar wrote: "I hope these criminals will be caught a.s.a.p."
The impact of this work was due not only to Batniji's incisive eye, the enveloping scale of the slides, and the subtle play on distances within the images that brought the viewer closer and closer to the walls, but also--by virtue of the projector itself--the
implacable discontinuity between images.
Sleeping with Giants takes on a weightier theme, that of competition, age and keeping up in a fast-paced,
implacable world.
But its opponents are
implacable, often resorting to devious measures to undermine confidence in the procedure.