help desk

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nouna service that provides information and assistance to the users of a computer network


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References in periodicals archive ?
The Malasakit help desk is about referral in which clients will be referred to assigned DA sections or units depending on what their concerns are all about,' Provido told TIMES on Monday.
"We receive around 20 calls at our help desk and 15 people came to us with queries.
According to him, after the launching of help desk most of the problems related to the residents' protest against the airport development could be resolved.
This help desk will also supervise the operations of airlines as well as the ground handling agencies at the airport.
Davide recalled that Manalo approached him last year and broached the idea of setting up a help desk inside the Capitol, which the governor said he immediately agreed to.
WEST Yorkshire Police are resorting to closing their police station help desks in a bid to save money.
Nokia Motive CAL 2.0 automatically correlates customer help desk calls and self-care actions with network, service and third-party application topologies to identify call anomalies, such as unusual patterns in help desk calls that indicate the location of customer-impacting network and service issues.
Information about this latest release of the service help desk and help desk in the cloud can be found at
has launched ProCare Help Desk for resellers and service providers offering ADTRAN's ProCloud wireless LAN (WLAN) managed services.
The new features are designed to give IT professionals access to the security and help desk tools they need to get their jobs done more efficiently, all from a single management interface.
The authority board unanimously adopted policies to guide the funding and staffing of a help desk for the Internet portal through which electronic filing is done.