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Synonyms for helotry

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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The extirpated symbols of women's helotry, the tainted fruits of a poisonous tree of gender inequality, represent for Wittig a rewriting of a bogus and noxious reality in which woman's subservience to man is customary, and their elimination celebrates a limitless tabula rasa regarding women's responsibilities and abilities (including the generation of space for the bearing of arms).
The Helotry are trying to resurrect Krodin, a notoriously cruel, nearly indestructible ruler who lived over four thousand years ago.
"The white man who controls in every direction the negro's destinies would in his collective opinion like to thrust the negro back into helotry and into exclusively manual work of a more or less unskilled kind, in connection with land, with mining, and the general development of the money-making resources of Africa, the moneymaking to remain chiefly with the white controller.
The man wants a dictatorial theocracy for Jews and helotry or expulsion for the Palestinians, and he sees (as Shahak did in reverse) the connection.
Newman's interpretation is supported by the fact that Aristotle explicitly criticizes helotry in Politics 2.9; see Newman, The Politics of Aristotle, 3:393-4.