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100 halers equal 1 koruna Slovakia

100 halers equal 1 koruna in Czech Republic


United States novelist whose best known work was a black comedy inspired by his experiences in the Air Force during World War II (1923-1999)

a rowdy or mischievous person (usually a young man)

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Heller Wealth Advisors joins Beacon Pointe with a professional staff of nine, including Heller and Hertling.
Jordan Heller, CFA, CFP and Donald Hertling, CFP, MST join Beacon Pointe as managing directors and Partners.
Mr Heller said that when he first came to Pakistan, he thought not many Pakistanis would be interested in the writer.
Trump praised Heller for voting to cut taxes, and said U.S.
28 meeting, Heller told the council that he was working on a letter to Union Pacific Railroad that would ask for the railroad's records of maintenance for that property, and include copies of the city's maintenance records.
Conclusion: Modified Heller myotomy by laparoscopic approach is a safe and effective procedure with acceptable results.
Heller said the check helped them to offset some of the medical costs.
The 5-foot-10, 170-pound Heller is wrapping up a three-schools-in-five-years college experience, and he will be one of five seniors honored by the Ducks before they face Washington at 5:30 p.m.
In Music in the Baroque, an installment in Norton's Western Music in Context: A Norton History series, Wendy Heller carefully treads these fine lines between cultural context and repertoire, breadth and detail.
Last Friday, Heller filed a $110 million defamation lawsuit against NBC Universal (who released the film) and former N.W.A.
But for singer-songwriter Cathy Heller, this is the sound of her success.
Adam Heller, president of The Heller Organization, has just completed the third sale in as many months at The Milan Condominium at 300 East 55th Street.
BROOKFIELD -- Selectmen Tuesday called a charge by former Selectman Rudolf Heller that the board violated the Open Meeting Law "highly offensive.''
US labour union the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local No 357 said its executive board has authorized a vote of "no confidence" in Wayne Heller, COO of Republic Airways and his senior management team.