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Words related to heliometer

nounan instrument used to measure the angular separation of two stars that are too far apart to be included in the field of view of an ordinary telescope

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One of his most important contributions was to use the heliometer (splitlens telescope) to feed a spectrograph with sunlight from both sides of the solar disc simultaneously, at different solar latitudes.
Cassini works on this "heliometer" gave information on several astronomical and physical values included sun eccentricity, refraction of the light in the atmosphere, parallax error, variation of the obliquity, etc.
David, a noted British astronomer, wanted to use a heliometer and transit telescope to determine accurately the Earth-Sun distance, or astronomical unit.
Bessel used a very fine split-objective telescope called a 'Heliometer' that had been made by Fraunhofer (Fig.
This was not a moment too soon: for example, when we searched for the Gill heliometer we found that it had been stolen from the storeroom where it had been kept.