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Synonyms for heliogravure

nounan intaglio print produced by gravure

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References in periodicals archive ?
The signature is not by the hand of the artist, but mechanically printed by the printmaker using a heliogravure technique with permission of Magritte's estate.
Till 3 Mar: "To carve the light," the 'heliogravure' (kind of engraving) from Alfred Stieglitz until now: the reconquest to a lost instrument, Musee Jenisch, cabinet cantonal des estampes.
William Henry Fox Talbot successfully produced the calotype or salt print process in England, but it was Nicephore Niepce's creation of a heliogravure from an engraving of Cardinal Amboise that was to lead to the better trail.
The term 'heliogravure', used by the earliest photographers to describe their occupation, has much to tell us, not simply about the way in which that invention was first received but about Victorian philosophies of representation.
Groflex PE and PP Bags can be produced in up to seven colors in heliogravure and flexographic print, a maximum of 1,700 mm to 2,000 mm permitting right-round printing of bags.