gray market

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an unofficial market in which goods are bought and sold at prices lower than the official price set by a regulatory agency

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References in periodicals archive ?
"Another impact of the gray market is on brand image," says Rob Pink, a principal at KPMG.
Detection is a major challenge since unauthorized resellers can offer a combination of gray market and counterfeit goods.
Concern about these facets of the prescription drug gray market has been raised by the drug-making industry's own trade association, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).
In this paper, the problem of a gray market is addressed in the context of a trademark owner's perspective in situations where the firm negatively reacts to the trade and limits the distribution of its goods through unauthorized channels.
"The gray market is certainly an issue the legislature is going to address," Smith said.
A brand protection plan will also take into consideration steps for monitoring the flow of parallel imports or gray market goods.
Gray market proponents argue that the parallel exchange provides consumers with affordable goods otherwise not within their purchasing range; however, pharmaceutical drug shortages in the United States have created an opportunity for gray good pirates to price gouge, taking full advantage of the low supply and high demand.
Dubai: The gray market for cellphones is set to decline further as consumers are moving to branded phones due to the fall in prices of these devices.
And while the ultra-low cost handset (ULCH) and smartphone segments of the gray market will continue to grow until 2014, expansion in these segments won't be enough to counteract the drop in the feature phone sector.
Gray market in business aircraft charter occupies the center stage in most of the business aviation forums in recent times.
"Ironically the more restrictive and suppressive the country's religious regulations, the larger the gray market grows/' he notes.
A shortage of lifesaving drugs used on ambulances and in emergency rooms across Massachusetts is endangering patient lives and forcing some hospitals to turn to a thriving "gray market" of pharmaceutical re-sellers to obtain the scarce medications, sometimes at prices more than 1,000 percent above their original cost, The New England Center for Investigative Reporting has learned.