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Synonyms for goonie

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
I don't know if it was the smeared make-up, the haystack hair, the threadbare goonie or the fact I was slavering at the mouth and clutching on to a screw-top bottle of wine for dear life that horrified him most.
Any time before, say, two o'clock in the afternoon, when even I get a bit twitchy, the postman, the plumber, the gasman or old Uncle Tom Cobley are likely to catch me in my goonie.
The Heaton Goonies is the brainchild of dad Dean Holmes and has proved a huge hit with local youngsters who ride several times a week.
Relegate the twee goonies and PJs to the bottom drawer and go big on silky satins and sultry sheers which are guaranteed to keep him awake all night.
Did you know their name is inspired by the bad guys in The Goonies? O2 Academy, tomorrow, 7pm, tickets PS17.50.
Lupe had also appeared in As Good As It Gets and The Goonies.
Thursday, August 18 brings two showings of the recent hit How to Train Your Dragon and at 6pm The Goonies set off in search of pirate treasure.
FANS of the cult 80s film The Goonies have won a campaign for a South Wales cinema to show it at a time suitable for adults.
that he never managed to make: "I asked seven times over the years if I could bring back The Goonies, but they would never let me do it," he says.
Other family hits included Back to the Future (6), It's a Wonderful Life (7), The Goonies (9), ET (12) and Superman (17).
8pm: The Goonies 28 August 6pm: Lion King 8pm: These Idiots (Bollywood) 29 August 6pm: Mary Poppins 8pm: The Pursuit of Happyness
POLICE have issued an online appeal to trace a burglary suspect - with a cheeky nod to American comedy classic The Goonies.
Who played Mouth in children's adventure movie The Goonies? 10.