From the
gasohol resistance properties of chlorosulfonated polyethylene rubber and natural zeolite, it is interested to compare the effect of them on the
gasohol resistance properties.
Brazil is the leading exporter of sugar representing 66% of world sugar exports in 2009/10 and has its own vibrant ethanol and
gasohol industry.
The new retail prices of fuel at outlets of PTT and Bangchak in Bangkok and nearby provinces will be 47.45 baht a litre for petrol 95, 39.93 baht for
gasohol 95, 37.48 baht for
gasohol 91, 34.98 baht for
gasohol E20 and 23.88 baht per litre for
gasohol E85.
Citing an example, he said that Thailand is hoping to work toward a target of the country using 39 million litres of
gasohol (ethanol fuel) per day to reduce its reliance on traditional petroleum products.
Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, is made by either fermenting sugars, as is done in Brazil, or corn, the common practice in the United States, where corn starch is converted to sugar and then fermented to produce "
gasohol." Though seemingly discovered in the 1970s as a means of reducing our nation's dependence on foreign oil, ethanol has been around for as long as the automobile.
Informing and persuading the public to use ethanol 10, commonly known as "
gasohol," and biodiesel 20 in their existing tanks was difficult enough, Rawls said.
Global warming concern leads to an increase in the consumption of
gasohol and biodiesel as the alternative fuels for automobiles.
Also, the company's procurements costs of alcohol remain exposed to cyclicality in sugar business and extent of implementation of the
gasohol blending programme by GoI.
This move will reduce the price of regular petrol by THB36.44 per litre and the price range for other types of ethanol-blended
gasohol will be THB30.34- THB32.64/litre.
Gasohol, a vehicle fuel currently produced by mixing corn ethanol with gasoline, is alleged to have important ecological and economic advantages: This fuel is supposed to reduce our extraction of nonrenewable energy, to be highly price competitive with gasoline, and to reduce pollution.
(4) It will help in promoting agriculture activity as bio-fuels like ethanol are used as a non-conventional fuel in "
Gasohol" and "Dual Fuel".
The new products include Enviroline 125LV-LT Chemical Resistant Lining, which provides gasoline,
gasohol, and ethanol resistence to tanks, pipes, and containment applications; Enviroline 222LT Moisture Tolerant Lining, which provides chemical resistance for manholes, concrete sewage pipes, lift stations, wet wells, concrete pipes, and other sub-grade concrete containment structures; Enviroline 378LT Seam Sealer, which provides flexibility and resistance to bolted and riveted storage tanks, and interior and exterior seams; and Eviroline 199LT Ultra High Solids Epoxy Coating, which is designed for use on fiberglass and mat system applications.
House Bill 176, short titled, "Change term
gasohol to ethanol," was sponsored by Representative Franke Wilmer, House District 64.
Here it is blended with gasoline to make
gasohol and E85.