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nouna protective mask with a filter

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References in periodicals archive ?
He sweated where the green rubber of the gasmask sealed itself
Children can make a gasmask which they can then take home.
She said, 'I had a little cardboard box, a gasmask over my shoulder, a little bottle of lemonade and sandwiches, and I can remember standing there waiting for the train, feeling lonely and unwanted.
CONMAN: A plumber dons a gasmask after claiming he was using dangerous chemicals to clear out a drain when, in fact, he was only using ordinary water
``I am a former soldier and I hated wearing a gasmask. '' 8 A Welsh company is helping to design new gas masks to be issued to British and American military forces.
So there I am on a lovely day huddled indoors, because I can't sit outside without a gasmask.
It's reminiscent of that night long ago when I stood in the road at Tile Hill, with military gasmask and helmet as part of the civil defence decontamination squad, waiting to go in and test for poison gas.
BYGONE DAYS: Shane McMenamin of Carmarthenshire Museuem wearing a civil defence gasmask
"Once I asked for a wartime gasmask to wear in a cabaret role and I got so many I had to tell the listeners, no more please.
I BOUGHT a gasmask yesterday for pounds 80, but there's no guarantee it will save my life if a chemical attack is launched on Ireland.
Mum would get our coats, shoes and gasmasks and take us to the shelter "Our neighbours always had a flask of something hot.
About 200 residents turned out with banners and children wore gasmasks.
A lady came to the house in a battered old van to deliver our gasmasks. I was puzzled but she explained that the nasty Germans might drop poison gas on us.