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a canvas or leather bag for carrying game (especially birds) killed by a hunter

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References in periodicals archive ?
We queried the National Gamebag Census database (Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, Fordingbridge, UK; extracted on 15 April 2016) for shooting estates which submitted annual fox cull records during 1996-2000.
Acknowledgements--The National Gamebag Census database is owned by the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) and we are grateful for access to the data.
'The National Gamebag Census charts the fortunes of game and many other predator species and it is a useful indicator of whether numbers need to be protected or controlled.
After he stops and sits facing you, take the dummy from your gamebag and toss it off to one side for him to retrieve.
On the first one, I'd had trouble digging my blank gun out of my vest--I'd shoved it into the gamebag and although I could feel its outline, I couldn't quite free it.
The GWCT's National Gamebag Census (NGC) collects shooting bag returns annually from > 600 estates in the UK (Tapper 1992).
You stuff a retrieving dummy into your gamebag because you might need it later on.
"Finally: three roosters in the gamebag," Amirian announced as she and two of her Spinoni slowly walked from the 200-acre field at the end of the fourth day.
Designed to throw a dense pattern over longer distances, Prairie Storm Chokes ensure each shot pattern is held together well downrange, resulting in less wounding and more birds in the gamebag. The titanium-coated chokes are available in a Light Modified model for early season and an Improved Modified model for later in the season when pressured birds are more likely to flush wild and/or at longer ranges.
During that first season, forget about filling your gamebag."
If he's picked up and delivered such a bird without damaging it, you should count your blessings, stuff the bird in your gamebag, and continue hunting.