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Synonyms for fleer

to smile or laugh scornfully or derisively

a facial expression or laugh conveying scorn or derision

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for fleer

someone who flees from an uncongenial situation

contempt expressed by mockery in looks or words

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to smirk contemptuously

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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
pH: The pH of the beans showed a downwards behavior during the fermentation, starting with values of 6.22 [+ or -] 0.08 (stage 2), 6.31 [+ or -] 0.17 (stage 3) and 6.35 [+ or -] 0.11 (stage 4), and ending with 5.6 [+ or -] 0.31 (stage 2), 5.75 [+ or -] 0.18 (stage 3) and 5.54 [+ or -] 0.24 (stage 4), coinciding with the results reported by Ardhana and Fleer (2003).
I continued to review more photos of Harry and Larry before I contacted the Fleer Corporation.
Prior to joining Bushnell, Fleer held positions at W.L.
For its theoretical base, this study draws on a cultural historical perspective as outlined by Hedegaard and Fleer (2008) and Fleer (2010).
When it came time for college, Sawaya moved to New York, attended NYU, and became a lawyer, but, after years of million dollar mergers and corporate acquisitions on Park Avenue, Sawaya realized he would rather be sitting on the fleer creating art than sitting in a boardroom negotiating contracts.
Pronounced "teeden fleer", it's stood me in good stead with the wife's relatives and friends over the years because when I utter it, they think I know what I'm on about.
Will and I were just buds for almost two years before he kissed me on the dance fleer in front of all our friends.
To support teachers to effectively coordinate the wide range of complementary skills and understandings associated with becoming literate, when literacy is envisioned as a social activity embedded within cultural practice and evolving technologies (Fleer & Raban, 2007), a number of useful frameworks have been developed.
Borussia M - Kleff, Schaffer, Fleer, Hannes, Ringels, Matthaus, Veh (Schafer), Bruns, Mill, Pinkall, Wuttke.
NONAGRAM: clef; close; closer; cole; cool; cooler; creel; creosol; cresol; eclose; else; feel; flee; fleer; floc; floe; floor; flor; fool; FORECLOSE; leer; loco; loose; lore; lose; loser; orle; reel; resole; role; seel; self; sloe; socle; sole; solo; sorel.
With a fleer of nearly 1,700 trailers and specially-designed vessels, TOTE is positioned to be a leader in this business for many years to come.
There are selections from his later and fleer sonnets ("After the Operation," 2003-2004) in which, ill, his days numbered, the poet confronts his impending death.
Taddeo's work with Marvel and Fleer earned him two Marketing Campaign of the Year Awards during the fiscal years of strongest dollar and unit sales in company history.