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Synonyms for externalize

to represent (an abstraction, for example) in or as if in bodily form

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for externalize

make external or objective, or give reality to

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Mapping the influences is a questioning process aimed at helping clients identify and increase the experience of the problem's effects and thereby help to further externalize the problem (M.
In the end, the way the researcher interprets and presents her carefully collected data is dependent also on who she is, what she values and the extent to which she is willing to externalize and critique her intuitive understandings.
Factor analysis reveals that BPI items can be represented as two subscales, measuring a child's tendency to internalize or externalize behaviors (Center for Human Resource Research, 1997).
In general, the assessment of mode of anger expression may increase clinicians' awareness of potential risk factors for adolescents who are likely to internalize versus externalize their anger.
Why not externalize a trigger event that will allow the storage administrator to put in an automation script to automatically start other Primary Space Management tasks under DFSMShsm so that it will complete?
LR: It's amazing how in California (or maybe it's worldwide by now) one thinks that one can externalize something like that and get rid of it, I mean without taking it in.
Metalogix StoragePoint externalizes the SharePoint BLOBs to a file system on EMC VNX unified storage for significant improvement in primary storage utilization without any performance loss."
Wal-Mart externalizes the costs of its 1.3 million employees by paying them less than a living wage and providing fewer than half of them with health insurance--while encouraging them to enroll in taxpayer-funded health programs." Though The Moral Measure of the Economy is written especially to Catholics, its powerful message about the need for morality and social accountability to provide guidance to economic systems deserves to be heard by readers of all religious backgrounds.
Inspired by neon advertising signage, the shapeless garment externalizes the body's circuitry and acts as a transformative, all-consuming costume.