I could only divine and distinguish that stakes were hazarded on numbers, on "odd" or "even," and on colours.
" And even if you were to WIN much I should be compromised," he added in a meaning sort of way.
"Nobody," replied, even more laconically, the jailer, shutting the door before the nose of the prisoner.
On the following day Gryphus appeared to him even more hideous, brutal, and hateful than usual; in his mind, or rather in his heart, there had been some hope that it was the old man who prevented his daughter from coming.
He had even fancied that day that all the convicts who had been his enemies looked at him differently; he had even entered into talk with them and they answered him in a friendly way.
Everything, even his crime, his sentence and imprisonment, seemed to him now in the first rush of feeling an external, strange fact with which he had no concern.
"I know it is"--replied her mother seriously, "or after such a warning, I should be the last to encourage such affection, or even to be pleased by it.
Jennings, to the Middletons, he has been long and intimately known; they equally love and respect him; and even my own knowledge of him, though lately acquired, is very considerable; and so highly do I value and esteem him, that if Marianne can be happy with him, I shall be as ready as yourself to think our connection the greatest blessing to us in the world.
They could neither of them eat, however, and for a long while they could not sleep, and did not
even go to bed.
Tarzan knew that they were nearing the great cat even before he heard an angry growl of warning just ahead.
They could not restore her to life by throwing sticks at Numa, and they might even now be feeding in quiet themselves; but Tarzan was of a different mind.
I have been besieged through the night, and
even this morning, with incomprehensible messages which come to me from those who administer the law in this country.
But, sister dear, the kind of man we always meet--the man who lives an idle life between society and his clubs--I could not love a man like that,
even if his eyes were blue and he were ever so kind to poor girls whom he met in the street."
After this, Ludwig, the one genuine hero among Mr Swinburne's heroes, was killed, sword in hand, in the capture of the city; and the third, Heinrich, who, though not a traitor, had always been tame and
even timid compared with his active brothers, retired into something like a hermitage, became converted to a Christian quietism which was almost Quakerish, and never mixed with men except to give nearly all he had to the poor.
Even so shall I make an end of you too, if you withstand me; get you back into the crowd and do not face me, or it shall be worse for you.