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  • derivation
  • word history
  • development of words
  • history of words
  • origin of words
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Words related to etymology

a history of a word

the study of the sources and development of words

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
On etymology, although they cited the variant Loza, they tended to follow Ekwall, Williams, and the later Jackson in reading Loxa and relating this to Greek loxos 'slanting', Latin luscus 'one-eyed', and Old Irish losc 'crippled'; hence 'crooked river, winding river'.
The Online Etymology Dictionary puts it as originating in 1762 as a Latin term on English flora and fauna, literally "it inhabits."
The etymological analysis revealed common etymology of Arabic in 106 of the sets a common etymology in Persian in 37 of the sets.
The change *ni- > *ji- in *jilma tongue appears to be regular (see the next etymology).
To the Editor: I read with great interest the article by Mannikko (1) on the etymology of cholera.
28): Surely, Nuss-baum is on to something in looking at the etymology of profanation.
I looked up the etymology of the word to see that Pandemonium is the name of the palace built in the middle of hell in Paradise Lost.
The etymology is fairly obvious and, frankly, unfit for a family newspaper.
Etymology explains me to myself far better than psychology.
Perhaps these comments are too harsh because the writer does freely admit that he and his co-authors 'claim no scholarship' with regard to etymology. One does wonder why they attempted to write an etymological dictionary without any scholarship in the field?
The other use of etymology has more to do with curiosity than with ideology.
Though in-depth reporting and community outcry followed, it was that first brief snapshot that inspired playwright Zakiyyah Alexander (a busy writer with forthcoming commissions from New York City's Second Stage, the Children's Theatre Company in Minneapolis and Philadelphia Theatre Company) to pen The Etymology of Bird.
Cataloging names from the most common to the most bizarre, "Porcupine, Picayune & Post" explores the history and etymology of newspapers' names--names that, by their very peculiarity, cry out for explanation.