Cette etude fait partie d'une vaste etude "ASOS" (African Surgical Outcomes Study) mesurant les resultats chirurgicaux de tous les patients operes pendant sept jours dans 183 hopitaux de 22 pays africains.
The word "Etude," meaning "study or practice" in the French language, originally refers to a short musical composition designed to be used as a practice material for perfecting techniques for a musical instrument.
It took into account that Etude had not provided enough details about the proposals such as the structure of the proposals, its ability to fund the proposals, or the benefits to be realised by the fund's shareholders.
Baraka et Jouahri pour oeuvrer, a travers cette etude, a simplifier les concepts et expliquer les criteres relatifs au capital immateriel et a clarifier et actualiser les donnees nationales en la matiere, afin que les Marocains puissent connaitre les outils et moyens de creation de la richesse et des opportunites d'emploi.
Nos informations ont revele qu'il n'y avait, au moment de notre etude, aucune femme iranienne travaillant comme chauffeuse de taxi, ni chez Atlas ni ailleurs a Montreal.
The first piece in the collection is his extraordinary compositional feat; the "Triple Etude (After Chopin)." This piece has been well known to Hamelin's fans for several years, and at least the conception of it has been firmly entrenched in the pianophile world of virtuosic accomplishment.