et cetera

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and so on

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
References in periodicals archive ?
There are outstanding plays on stage, enchanting cultural dances, bewitching modern dances (if you can separate the storyline from the dance), entertaining comedies, uplifting solo and choral verses, et cetera.
You would them have the capacity to exquisite enrichments created utilizing characteristic or reused materials, for instance, wood figures, normal texture, et cetera. Scented
I say this immodestly since I was one of the people who raised the issue, and I did so for the same reason I accepted the editorship of Et cetera: I come not to praise general semantics but to help prevent it from being buried.
Our own country, sadly, provides plenty of fodder to illustrate; in contrast with the message of financial necessity used to justify the Harper government's assault on public sector jobs, scientific and other forms of research, environmental advocacy, et cetera, et cetera, there is a long litany of less-than-necessary expenditures on the other side of the ledger: excessive infrastructure and security for the G20 summit, "advertising" for the government's Economic Action Plan, establishment of the Office of Religious Freedom, and the pageantry to celebrate the War of 1812.
In his chronological explication of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine, Aquinas, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, et cetera, Ryan (retired, political theory, Oxford U., England) engages with questions religious, philosophical, historical, biological, and sociological--questions such as whether there are cycles to history or whether mankind is biologically predisposed to war, to cite just two examples--"but only," he writes, "as far as they illuminate ideas about how we should govern ourselves." Suggestions for further reading are included for each chapter.
I think I understand how the green space affects it (clean air, physical activity, et cetera), but I don't understand how the grocery store does.
Prof Isao Echizen said: "As a result of developments in facial recognition technology in Google images, Facebook et cetera and the popularisation of portable terminals that append photos with photographic information [geotags]...
"Obviously, her successor will have every right to look at the structure of that office and every other office in this building and make decisions about whether that still makes sense and who ought to lead it, et cetera," State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland told reporters at her daily news conference.
She also said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her recent trip to Asia "regularly expressed concerns about any instances of economic coercion, military coercion, et cetera" over the disputes between China and some Southeast Asian countries with conflicting claims such as Vietnam and the Philippines.
State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said: "As you probably know, the US had worked with Governor Karzai as we work with governors around the country to try to make common cause, to end corruption, to eradicate the drug trade, et cetera."
Avoiding complex jargon and theory, he presents ten chapters that introduce the basics of cognitive behavioral therapy, explore the role of the story et cetera in other therapeutic models, discuss the research base supporting narrative as a tool for cognitive behavioral therapy, describe the use of stories for specific disorders, and examine contemporary developments and future directions.
Pinter Et Cetera. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2009.
However, as a resident of the ward he represents I would prefer he spent his time addressing some of the numerous issues that face us, such as litter, rats, lack of parking, under age drinking et cetera.
dearliest Friday, very warmest regards, et cetera. It appears we are
Incidentally, that same Bible was used to convict Galileo of heresy for daring to state that the Earth revolves around the sun, burn witches, et cetera.