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Synonyms for embarkment

the act of passengers and crew getting aboard a ship or aircraft

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
7 ( ANI ): The embarkment of weekend elevated the timbre of Salman Khan's friends and fans as the Bollywood actor was granted bail by Jodhpur Court in connection with the Blackbuck poaching case on Saturday.
Upon arrival at the slaughterhouse, the equines were unloaded using similar ramps than at embarkment and herded into the lairage pens.
However, despite evoking the Atlantic slave trade past and the sufferings endured by enslaved Africans before their embarkment for the Americas, most initiatives repeatedly convey simplified representations of enslavement.
Paratypes: All Tanzania, all Mt Hanang: one female, above Katesh, embarkment dam, 2000 m, January 2008, depository ZMHB.
They are in the constant fear that the weak embarkment of the water reservoir of Sarada river, if bursted, would completely washed out their villages.
(151) The Governor also ordered that no "suspect person" be allowed to leave the Colony in the 10 days prior to embarkment, and that all "enemy aliens" be closely watched.
Rather than deliberately steer the skiff toward a site of interest, Butler instead allowed the river's current, by encountering that small accumulation of its detritus, to select its own point of embarkment. The author gave the river agency to generate the spatial loci of its own historical narrative.
We received news of embarkment (sic) in April 1st and since then massed preparation took part.
Each definition signals a point of embarkment that both guides the journey of the research project and is revisable in the light of new evidence and conclusions from the journey.
The following "booking to embarkment" dialog is designed to build relationships with customers of a cruise package.
27 The French painter (1684-1721) of the Fetes Galantes (The Embarkment for Cythera, Gilles, etc.).
During the war, young socialist militants regularly turned up at army recruitment stations and embarkment depots with antiwar leaflets and, according to secret reports to the minister of the interior, sometimes managed to smuggle these tracts into army barracks.(24) The F.G.S.I.
[ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] FIGURE 6 Differences Between Severance and Consequential Damages Severance Damages Consequential Damages Directly linked to partial Linked to whole property, taking property rights not taken Value of the remainder Value of the entire is decreased property is decreased Statutory remedy Common-law remedy Compensable under Damages under inverse condemnation condemnation Suit filed by condemnor, Suit filed by claimant if the owner disagrees (owner) to obtain re- with the amount of covery for the compensation offered damages Examples: Landlocked, Examples: Relocation of irregular shape, small a road, change in parcels, excessive zoning, off and on slope flooding due to highway way embarkment, elevation of street