efferent nerve

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Related to efferent nerve: efferent neuron, afferent nerve
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References in periodicals archive ?
In summary, according to characteristic hearing dysfunction, AN may occur in the afferent pathway of acoustic nerve, probably accompanied by the pathological changes of efferent nerve in the olivocochlear system inside the brainstem.
Urothelial-released ATP is also inhibited by botulinum toxin A, suggesting that botulinum toxin A inhibits transmitter release from sensory nerve terminals or urothelium, as well as efferent nerve terminals.
Assessment of sympathetic mechanisms from recordings of postganglionic efferent nerve traffic.
The abnormality of autonomic function in patients with COPD may affect stimulus reception, afferent nerve conduction, central processing, efferent nerve conduction, and neuromuscular response.
Direct measurement of cardiac sympathetic efferent nerve activity during dynamic exercise.
After intraperitoneal ketamine-induced anaesthesia, latencies of M and H responses increased significantly, reflecting a reduction of the conduction velocities of afferent and efferent nerve action potentials (NAP), or even those of muscle action potentials (MAP).
Some concern has been raised that afferent and efferent nerve fibers may also be inhibited resulting in muscular weakness--particularly of the quadriceps muscle.