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Synonyms for eerily

in an unnatural eery manner


Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
"Such news coming during our observance of All Saints Day is eerily discomforting for workers.
"But it was just eerily quiet - even at the pub there were people sat outside but no one was laughing and people seemed very sombre."
She said: "Calais was eerily quiet - normally it is quite a busy place.
In an indication that residents were cooperating with the campaign, Fleming said the streets of the capital's normally bustling Aberdeen fishing community were "eerily quiet" on Friday morning.
The rock formations here, eerily taking weird shapes, have a history hidden beneath their surface.
He even played a hoe-down version of what sounded eerily like a Snow Patrol song.
The prototype is powered by a 60hp electric motor and is equipped with a 15kWh battery, which makes it eerily silent to drive.
The prototype is powered by a 60hp electric motor equipped with a 15kWh battery, which makes it eerily silent to drive.
The incident was eerily similar to the Celtic spat between Aiden McGeady and Artur Boruc - but this time it was the big goalie who ended up with a sore head.
Byline: Shops remain closed, city squares eerily quiet as people stay away.
Car firms, manufacturers, estate agents and finance companies shut down early for Christmas and remained closed last week, leaving normally bustling business areas, including the City of London, eerily quiet.
The article "Grandpa Bob" in the August 2008 issue hit me eerily close to home.
The Los Angeles Convention Center, site of the much ballyhooed annual E3 show, was eerily quiet last week.
Occupying the middle ground are eerily magnetic torch song Superman, the dub beats of Shove It, rock ska stomp You'll Find A Way (ap-parently Bjork's favourite anthem of the moment) and the insanely addictive Say Aha, which boasts one of those annoying hooks you'll no doubt hear everywhere this summer.