durum wheat

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Synonyms for durum wheat

wheat with hard dark-colored kernels high in gluten and used for bread and pasta

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References in periodicals archive ?
They also calculated an economic rate, that factored in fertilizer costs and market prices for durum wheat.
Finally This work aims to compare the behavior of six varieties of durum wheat under water stress, this by studying a few physiological and biochemical parameters.
The researchers' objective was to evaluate how peanut flour, substituted for durum wheat flour at 30%, 40% and 50% levels, would influence the quality of the final cooked product.
Currently, there is a high demand by both commercial and small-scale farmers for durum wheat with high grain yield and better end-use quality to meet the increasing demand of durum wheat grain processors in Ethiopia.
Using 'non-GM' crop breeding techniques, scientists from CSIRO Plant Industry have introduced a salt-tolerant gene into a commercial durum wheat, with spectacular results shown in field tests.
hard red spring and durum wheats are the only commodities subjected to the Canadian restrictions.
The LMW subunits, named LMW-2, in these three lines confer strong gluten characteristics to durum wheat (Pogna et al., 1988).
Made from durum wheat semolina, it can be mixed with meat, fish, vegetables or salads to make a healthy meal.
Authentic Italian Durum Wheat Pasta made in Gragnano of Italy's Campania region.
Until now, managing carbs meant eating low-carb pasta without an authentic pasta taste because most low-carb pastas are created by significantly replacing durum wheat semolina with soy, processed wheat and other fillers.
EVEREST is a selective post-emergence herbicide for early-season control of wild oats, green foxtail and other grassy weeds in spring wheat, durum wheat and winter wheat.
Dakota Growers Pasta (DGP) is a defined- (or closed) membership cooperative organized in 1991 as a vertically integrated operation that assembles its members' durum wheat, mills durum wheat into semolina, produces pasta from semolina and markets the pasta.
Cereal scientists at North Dakota State University in Fargo believe they have identified a promising source in durum wheat (Triticum durum).