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Synonyms for dissimilitude

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Synonyms for dissimilitude

  • Roget's
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noundissimilarity evidenced by an absence of likeness

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
However, the similitude between Westerners and Iranians proposed in Persepolis rests on its argument of dissimilitude between Iranians and Muslims.
(46) "Dissimilitude intrudes itself of itself in our works; no art can arrive at a perfect similitude" (493).
Computers, on the other hand, are very good at detecting small dissimilitudes, as anyone who has written code must know.
In 1869, Professor George Ticknor reflected on the fundamental dissimilitude between pre- and post-Civil War America: "It does not seem to me as if I were living in the country in which I was born, or in which I received whatever I ever got of political education or principles." (8) Nearly sixty years later, Professors Charles and Mary Beard echoed Ticknor's sapient observation in describing the Civil War as the "Second American Revolution." (9) Today, historians of nineteenth- and twentieth-century America continue to identify the Civil War as the point of departure of the modern American state.
But whatever it's dissimilitude to a rat, it did carry a plastic tray holding Jell-O--so the rat was able to overcome its fear of otherness and approach the ratbot.
Such dissimilitude is directly related to morphology and structure as well as the particle size and distribution.
"[i]n these circumstances, there is a total dissimilitude between
to some class or other of known objects he must refer it, and betwixt it and them he must find out some resemblance or other, before he can get rid of that Wonder, that uncertainty and anxious curiosity excited by its singular appearance, and by its dissimilitude with all the objects he had hitherto observed.
Il est assurement important de verifier ces hypotheses, mais, si elles sont validees, il est aussi essentiel de dessiner les configurations auxquelles elles renvoient, c'est-a-dire de montrer comment cette similarite et cette dissimilitude prennent forme, par exemple a travers d'autres dimensions de la socialite.
(20) Newman uses this spatial metaphor to explain that varied perspectives of an idea, like an object, "are capable of coalition, and of a resolution into the object to which it belongs"; furthermore, "the prima facie dissimilitude of [an idea's] aspects becomes, when explained, an argument for its substantiveness and integrity" (p.
Symboliquement, la dissimilitude la plus importante se situe au niveau de l'importance accordee a la ville de Montreal.
Tolstoy's particular dissimilitude, his resistance to any ideology, and his enormous lack of compromise highlight one of the prevailing polemics of his lifetime, towards which both sides were bitter, and which persisted throughout the twentieth century.