And do you consider truth to be akin to proportion or to
And here he proceeded to give a particular account of his sport, and the respective traits of prowess evinced by the badger and the dogs; my mother pretending to listen with deep attention, and watching his animated countenance with a degree of maternal admiration I thought highly
disproportioned to its object.
I had often heard him complain of the
disproportion of his rank with his fortune; and I advised him to invest all he had in an annuity.
I know it is so; and I know it is not a mere natural disfigurement, like a criminal mutilation, or a hereditary
disproportion in the features.
The soul which is in the soul of each, craving a perfect beatitude, detects incongruities, defects and
disproportion in the behavior of the other.
Fragile ecosystems, natural disasters, unstable water and energy supply,
disproportions in economic development are only a few factors of the region's vulnerability, experts said during the conference.
With this paper, broker acquaints novice equity traders as well as reminds experienced such about Market Imbalances caused by
disproportions in the NYSE & NASDAQ Open and Closing Auctions.
There are obvious
disproportions, especially with the territorial distribution of the population
Speaking at a meeting of the Danubian countries in Sofia on Monday, he claimed that the government gave priority treatment to the efforts to encourage economic activity to overcome regional
Dr Uzun said many hospitals check only the "four chamber views", a routine which has been around for many years and looks for any
disproportions in the heart's four pumping chambers.
Several authors have read capitalist development as an inevitable proliferation of
disproportions. Paraphrasing Bologna, we could say that without a disproportionate increase of surplus labor there could be no increase in the mass of profit, without a disproportionate increase in the mass of profit there could be no increase in the organic composition of capital, without a disproportionate expansion of money supply and credit there could be no realization of industrial capacity; and without the intelligence of the laborers there could be none of the above at all.
In his address on the occasion of the anniversary, President Branko Azeski said that the Macedonian economy operated today in circumstances of three pronounced
disproportions - production and consumption, import and export and active and sustained population.
FPM MP Ibrahim Kanaan, head of the parliamentary and budget committee, has recently presented a financial report in which he commented on what he called "
disproportions in the treasury's bills." The ministry of finance is currently headed by Raya al-Hassan who is affiliated with the Future Movement led by outgoing Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri.