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Antonyms for displeased

not pleased


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References in classic literature ?
She learned that great personages were displeased with him on this account, and she changed her opinion.
This elder son, too, was displeased with his younger brother.
Stuart and Clarke felt highly displeased at his taking so precipitate a step, without waiting for their concurrence, when he must have known that their arrival could not be far distant.
He was satisfied with the form in which he had expressed his thoughts, but displeased that Boris had overheard it.
"Are you displeased with me?" cried Valentine in astonishment.
"I understand; you are displeased at the silence I have preserved on the subject.
I imagined the reader would not be displeased to be informed who this man was, whose precious remains were searched for by a viceroy of Tigre, at the command of the Emperor himself.
BUT the trout was so displeased with the taste of the macintosh, that in less than half a minute it spat him out again; and the only thing it swallowed was Mr.
Nay" (seeing her draw back displeased), "forgive me.
They hold that the Great Spirit is displeased with all nations who wantonly engage in war; they abstain, therefore, from all aggressive hostilities.
And formerly at Erithria, during the oligarchy of the Basilides, although the state flourished greatly under their excellent management, yet because the people were displeased that the power should be in the hands of so few, they changed the government.
Though he did not categorically mention about overthrowing Oli but shared that both leaders were displeased with Oli's working style.
The United Auto Workers union, however, has little interesting in obliging, as it is still displeased with the company's plan to close four U.S.
The inspector-general of police (IGP) was especially displeased to learn that some OCPDs were allegedly claiming the funds would be distributed to eligible recipients of zakat (Muslim tithing).
He is displeased with the PM upon taking resignation from him.