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Synonyms for disparagingly

in a disparaging manner


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References in periodicals archive ?
So much for the game management for which Derek McInnes' sides were often, occasionally disparagingly, renowned.
"And it's important not to speak disparagingly about fellow professionals.
She views every other woman around her disparagingly and as competition.
Today, Ragley Hall COMEDY Tom Allen: Absolutely SHARPLY dressed, well-spoken and disparagingly camp, Tom will be familiar to viewers of Mock The Week, 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, Live at the Apollo and The John Bishop Show.
029 2023 2199 COMEDY Tom Allen The sharply dressed, well-spoken, disparagingly camp son of working class Bromley, Tom Allen comes to the Sherman Theatre as part of his debut solo tour - Absolutely.
Known as Khwaaja Sarai (or disparagingly and more commonly as 'Hijra') they trace their lineage at least as far back as being an important part of the Mughal royal court and administration.
Mr Davies disparagingly refers to "climate alarmists" (presumably including myself ) who might choose a "hot week" as evidence of global warming, when contradictorily he is the one to select an arbitrarily short period to justify his own preconceptions.
Mr Davies disparagingly refers to 'climate alarmists' (presumably including myself ) who might choose a 'hot week' as evidence of global warming, when contradictorily he is the one to select an arbitrarily short period to justify his own preconceptions.
'We have reason to believe the CS your article was disparagingly referring to is Matiang'i,' the demand letter to the Standard's editorial director read.
In fact it is the Western media that disparagingly calls the Afghan president the mayor of Kabul.
For as long as some children come from homes where migrants and asylum seekers are spoken of disparagingly it is obviously important that schools attempt to provide a factual and more sympathetic picture of what is happening and why people are on the move.
But chatting to locals in what's disparagingly called "Maddieville" it's clear Luz has been changed.
Bea, disparagingly called "Math Girl" by the popular crowd because she is a brilliant math student, tries to solve everything with math formulas.
Yes, the old hoarder stood to benefit from the cleaner's hard work, but she still fought him every step of the way, because she felt that he disparagingly dismissed her as a filthy old, crone who had lost her grip on her life, and was in mortal danger of being permanently eliminated by her basic lack of self-control.
In a statement to SANA, an official source at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said that Syria watched disparagingly the statement issued by the European Union foreign ministers, and that Syria believes that misguiding public opinion and twisting fact isn't becoming of some EU states which expressed more than once and on several occasions the ineffectiveness of the course followed by the EU regarding Syria.