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Synonyms for disinter

dig up


Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for disinter

dig up for reburial or for medical investigation


Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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We could disinter a buried history, connect it to another more recent and mistold, and give it as a healing to the whole of our people, to the whole of America."
She steals Dill's new truck, and with her troubled uncle and aunt takes off to disinter and reclaim her mother's body and the inheritance presumably buried with it before the grave can be paved over for a supermarket parking lot.
Despite its explanatory preface, it is difficult to understand why Peter Kaufman thought it useful to disinter the nostrums of Soviet Marxism in 1994 and why he believes that a detailed re-examination of Soviet Marxist interpretations of Diderot and reference to the views of Marx, Engels and Lenin will help us to arrive at a 'better likeness' of that mercurial philosophe.
The summary application to Dundee Sheriff Court to disinter and then re-inter her brother's body listed Amanda's details alongside the rest of the family.
Berger's goals were to locate and disinter all human remains situated in this area, and relocate them to an existing, functioning cemetery in addition to reclaiming the identities of these individuals.
A legend was associated with this hound, which is common to most Indo-European peoples: He had defended his master's child against a wild beast (in Guinefort's case, a huge snake), but had been suspected by his master of killing the child and had been wrongly stabbed to death by him." (An expurgated version of this story still survives in the Walt Disney movie, "Lady and the Tramp.") Stephen of Bourbon's reaction was to immediately disinter and bum the poor dog saint's bones.
Disinterments at MACM are ongoing, with planning in progress to possibly disinter all unresolved Cabanatuan losses.
"The redevelopment proposal for the burial ground is to disinter the graves and dig out the bulk of the site to create space to erect a terrace of eight dewllings, all accessed from Sunny Bank Road."
First up were a couple of Brummie ancients declaring themselves 'almost sure' they could disinter Spitfires if receiving permission to disembowel Castle Bromwich.
The firm have asked courts for permission to disinter the remains and move them to a churchyard on the other side of the country.
The walkers, who have a base in Sherborn, near Boston, U.S.A., have returned to garner their strength and to build support for another journey, next summer, when they plan to disinter the memorial stone from its current resting place and pull it from Vietnam to Cambodia.
And special permission must be sought by red-faced council bosses from the Scottish Secretary to disinter her body.
New Labour is dead and the ones who buried it won't be able to dig up the political bones or re-establish the credibility, to disinter it.
Not that it's relevant because the authorities would never grant you permission to disinter your father.
Whatever it was creeps ever closer as Edwin, letter in hand and compelled by an unexpected discovery, boards a train that will take him to Phillip to disinter the secret.
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