dish antenna

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Synonyms for dish antenna

directional antenna consisting of a parabolic reflector for microwave or radio frequency radiation

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References in periodicals archive ?
Among arrested persons, three accused were allegedly involved in stocking and selling of illegal DTH/ digital dish antenna receivers.
The Customs, Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) teams have conducted crackdowns on illegal Indian Direct-to-Home (DTH) television across the country, seizing hundreds of illegal DTH and dish antennas.
Compared to dish antennas, though, "smaller apertures will be less invasive, with smaller concentrations of power and wirings," said Potter.
24 March 2010 - Norwegian antenna maker Comrod Communication ASA (OSL: COMROD) said today that it has won a contract to supply its Band IV dish antenna to Canadian sector player Ultra Electronics, without disclosing the value of the deal.
-The cost for an adequate satellite TV is $27, plus $40 for the satellite dish antenna, so everyone can have it by paying only 100,000 ID, said Rahim Omar Karim, a shopkeeper.
MotoSAT can beam-in an Internet pipe just about anywhere by bolting a motorized, satellite-seeking dish antenna atop a vehicle or trailer.
The PAWDA58-29 parabolic dish antenna features 29-dbm gain and operates in the 5.725-GHz to 5.850-GHz industrial, scientific and medical band.
Rather than dealing with today's weaponry, the author concentrates on modern communications, from small transmitters used to locate dead soldiers' bodies to splicing into a dish antenna to send messages.
For example, don't build under a rock overhang or at the receiving end of a protruding spire or point such as those inside a dish antenna. Protruding spikes are described in Feng Shui as poison arrows.
The fact that would-be subscribers to the new CS services do not need to buy new dish antenna is expected to help subscriptions.
If neither of these two high-speed products is available, a third connection option is two-way satellite, which requires the installation of an outside dish antenna. Satellite service has been commercially available since January 2001 and has been remarkably reliable.
The radio cameras, a relatively recent concept as they were first used in the late 1980s, had the disadvantage of needing a human 'panner' to make sure the dish antenna used to feed the pictures was permanently directed towards the radio camera.
NEW YORK -- Primestar, a satellite TV hardware and program provider, plans to go after a broader consumer base with its new "combo" set-top box and dish antenna that gives access to both satellite and cable programming and to the Internet.
The dish antenna is today the most visible sign of the satellite age.