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Synonyms for disentangled

adjstraightened out

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References in classic literature ?
Carey sat up and disentangled himself from the rug about his legs.
When, on a morning, my unconscious carcass was disentangled from the nets on the drying-frames, whither I had stupidly, blindly crawled the night before; and when the water- front talked it over with many a giggle and laugh and another drink, I was proud indeed.
But Ned Land had disentangled the Captain, who, getting up without any wound, went straight to the Indian, quickly cut the cord which held him to his stone, took him in his arms, and, with a sharp blow of his heel, mounted to the surface.
Scarcely had I disentangled him than he raised his head high in air and commenced circling about at the edge of the forest.
Finally her hair softened sufficiently to be disentangled from the curl papers; and then Aunt Janet subjected it to a merciless shampoo.
Nayve's back-to-back threes near the end of the third finally disentangled the Blazers from a stubborn Arellano side, which suffered its sixth defeat after seven outings.
Handlers disentangled the bird from her, while she was rushed to the hospital after suffering from large scratches along her back.
HERE are some thoughts regarding holidays in Europe after our Brexit government has finally disentangled us from the EU.