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Synonyms for diseased

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for diseased

caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Anthrax in Akmola region: 80% of meat of diseased cattle seized and eliminated AKIPRESS.COM - 80% of meat of the diseased cow that was slaughtered in the village of Olginka were seized, head of the department of epidemiological surveillance of extremely dangerous infections of the committee of quality control and security of goods and services of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan Zauresh Jumadilova said, InformBureau reports.
An investigation has been launched following the discovery of diseased fish in two north-east rivers.
DISEASED fish have been found in two northeast rivers.
The District Nazim on this occasion announced Rs0.3m for each diseased and Rs 0.1 for the injured.
A number of expatriates have been sentenced to imprisonment and deportation for slaughtering and selling meat of diseased livestock.
Calif., February 11, 2019 -- An antibody-based treatment gently and effectively eliminates diseased blood-forming stem cells in the bone marrow to prepare for the transplantation of healthy stem cells, according to a study in mice.
IF your onions were attacked by fungus last summer, the diseased spores will have entered the papery scales soon after harvesting.
While presiding over a meeting of the deputy commissioners in his office here, Shah maintained that all formalities must be completed for employment to the genuine candidates on diseased and disable quota, as well also ensure issuance of appointment orders and joining of their duties in due course.
KARACHI -- Chief Secretary Sindh Syed Mumtaz Ali Shah has asked the Deputy Commissioners of all Districts in the Province to ensure cleanliness in their Districts, and submit report, thereof including proceedings about disable and diseased quota, within a week.
Great Neck, NY, January 11, 2019 --(PR.com)-- AAA Tree Service, a Long Island tree removal service, says its important to look out for the health of your trees, particularly if they are growing weak or seem diseased. If a tree is perceived to be weak it should be removed immediately.
| Bonfire Night is a great time to get rid of material that is unsuitable for composting, so collect diseased leaves from fruit trees and roses and chuck on the fire.
It is a well-established fact that in this advanced world, diseases have also become much advanced that one cannot find a person without a story of diseased person or is diseased himself.
5 million as compensation to the heirs of the diseased.
[12] If a screening tool can correctly classify diseased subjects as diseased and non-diseased subjects as non-diseased, the screening tool can be advocated for its use in medical practice.
He covers Letter 114 and the poetics of decadence; a Senecan reading of Seneca's Oedipus: language and the diseased animus: the discourse of Oedipus, and language and the diseased cosmos; and Seneca and Neronian aesthetics.
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