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Words related to disbud

verbthin out buds to improve the quality of the remaining flowers

verbdestroy undeveloped horn buds (of cattle)

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References in periodicals archive ?
If you want large specimen blooms for garden display or indoor arrangements, you'll need to disbud, removing side buds by nipping out with the thumb and finger as soon as they are visible.
QI bought some chrysanthemum plants to flower in the autumn and the label said to disbud them.
TAKE further cuttings of pinks and continue to disbud border carnations.
If you are looking for specimen blooms, you have to disbud and concentrate everything into one flower, but if you leave chrysanthemums alone they will branch and produce a mass of flower on reasonably long stems, which makes them ideal for cutting for the house.
WEEKEND GARDENING TIPS * Cut back straggly violas to encourage new shoots for cuttings * Disbud dahlias and chrysanthemums by removing all but the very top bud * Sow parsley for winter use * Plant out cabbages from seed bed * Lift and divide spring-flowering bulbs.
Once bloom types have formed flower buds, "disbud" them, i.e.
Disbud dahlias and chrysanthemums by removing all but top bud if you want large cut flowers.
For large blooms for cutting, disbud dahlias and chrysanthemums by removing all but the very top bud.
If the partridge disbud your trees, you will get no fruit.