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Synonyms for digestion

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for digestion

the process of absorbing and incorporating, especially mentally

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Words related to digestion

the process of decomposing organic matter (as in sewage) by bacteria or by chemical action or heat

the organic process by which food is converted into substances that can be absorbed into the body

learning and coming to understand ideas and information

Related Words

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References in classic literature ?
He advised great statesmen to examine into the diet of all suspected persons; their times of eating; upon which side they lay in bed; with which hand they wipe their posteriors; take a strict view of their excrements, and, from the colour, the odour, the taste, the consistence, the crudeness or maturity of digestion, form a judgment of their thoughts and designs; because men are never so serious, thoughtful, and intent, as when they are at stool, which he found by frequent experiment; for, in such conjunctures, when he used, merely as a trial, to consider which was the best way of murdering the king, his ordure would have a tincture of green; but quite different, when he thought only of raising an insurrection, or burning the metropolis.
Incidentally, I find it interferes very much with my digestion."
He pointed out-- writing in a foolish, facetious tone--that the perfection of mechanical appliances must ultimately supersede limbs; the perfection of chemical devices, digestion; that such organs as hair, external nose, teeth, ears, and chin were no longer essential parts of the human being, and that the tendency of natural selection would lie in the direction of their steady diminution through the coming ages.
Digestion, or rather indigestion, has a marvelous effect upon the heart.
In a deep leather chair, his feet resting in another deep leather chair, at the Indoor Yacht Club, Harry Del Mar yielded to the somniferous digestion of lunch, which was for him breakfast as well, and glanced through the first of the early editions of the afternoon papers.
Having finished the paper, a second cup of coffee and a roll and butter, he got up, shaking the crumbs of the roll off his waistcoat; and, squaring his broad chest, he smiled joyously: not because there was anything particularly agreeable in his mind--the joyous smile was evoked by a good digestion.
"Gee!" Billy said, when he had driven on out of hearing; "that's too rich for our digestion."
I injured my digestion. And at last he flung out in his violent way, and said, with a D, 'Then do as you like.' Thank Goodness it will always be a consolation to me to know that I instantly went out in a pouring rain and bought the things."
If I could be less affectionate and sensitive, I should have a better digestion and an iron set of nerves.
-- 1st Nantucket Sailor Oh, boys, don't be sentimental; it's bad for the digestion! Take a tonic, follow me!
Their catholic digestions were equally tolerant of a rat or an insect.
The modest comforts of home, the savory charms of made dishes, the decorous joy of digestions accomplished on hearth-rugs, lost all their attractions, and the dogs ungratefully left the house to seek dissipation and adventure in the outer world.
For ease of digestion and hydration, select foods like melon, lemon, cucumber, tomato, mango and peach.
He explained that drinking of cold water was not good for digestion as it causes the blood vessels to shrink, eventually slowing down the process of digestion.