To say the truth, as no known inhabitant of this globe is really more than man, so none need be ashamed of submitting to what the necessities of man demand; but when those great personages I have just mentioned condescend to aim at confining such low offices to themselves--as when, by hoarding or destroying, they seem desirous to prevent any others from eating--then they surely become very low and
Of course, from the point of view of Prokofy, seeing him in a torn cloak and tipsy, he's a
despicable person.
Lucille is mine - mine she will remain, even though you should descend to something more
despicable, more cowardly than ordinary treason, to wrest her from me.
Her application to a sober life and industrious management at last in Virginia, with her transported spouse, is a story fruitful of instruction to all the unfortunate creatures who are obliged to seek their re-establishment abroad, whether by the misery of transportation or other disaster; letting them know that diligence and application have their due encouragement, even in the remotest parts of the world, and that no case can be so low, so
despicable, or so empty of prospect, but that an unwearied industry will go a great way to deliver us from it, will in time raise the meanest creature to appear again the world, and give him a new case for his life.
Upon that the aunt fondled her, as if she had said something noble instead of despicable and false, and kept up the infamous pretence by replying, 'But there are reasonable limits, my dear love, to everything, and I see that this poor miserable girl causes you more constant and useless distress than even so good an effort justifies.'
On this repetition of the old wicked injury, I withheld no longer, but exposed to her all I had known of her and seen in her, and all I had undergone within myself since I had occupied the despicable position of being engaged to her nephew.
Many people say that for a male person, bric-a-brac hunting is about as robust a business as making doll-clothes, or decorating Japanese pots with decalcomanie butterflies would be, and these people fling mud at the elegant Englishman, Byng, who wrote a book called THE BRIC-A-BRAC HUNTER, and make fun of him for chasing around after what they choose to call "his
despicable trifles"; and for "gushing" over these trifles; and for exhibiting his "deep infantile delight" in what they call his "tuppenny collection of beggarly trivialities"; and for beginning his book with a picture of himself seated, in a "sappy, self-complacent attitude, in the midst of his poor little ridiculous bric-a-brac junk shop."
Despicable coward': Kris Aquino slams netizen for calling sons 'autistics' !-- -- Jan Milo Severo ( - August 13, 2019 - 5:16pm MANILA, Philippines Queen of All MediaKris Aquino called out a netizenfor commenting thathersons were autisticon Instagram.
The suggestion by Trump that the change from Jackson to Tubman was only being made out of concern for political correctness is
despicable. Shame on Trump for issuing such an order and on his puppet, Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the United States Treasury Department, for implementing this order.
Sheriff Margaret Neilson described one of Peter MacAllister's crimes as "
despicable" when he appeared for sentence at Inverness Sheriff Court yesterday.
In a tweet on Monday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau slammed the attack as a '
despicable act of cowardice.'
A WOMAN who left an abusive note on an ambulance parked outside her home was branded "
despicable" by a magistrate.
Meanwhile, this opener featured a pub called The Cordwangler's Arms (viewers of a certain age will have recalled the line "Joe, he was a young cordwangler" from the Kenneth Williams ditty The Ballad of the Woggler's Moulie) and the
despicable activities of a
despicable dining club - not the Bullingdon, but the Berserkers.
BRUSSELS, Oct 2 (KUNA) -- The European Union condemned Monday "the
despicable attack" during a music festival in the US city of Las Vegas in which more than 50 people were reported killed and 400 injured.