The novel is, according the author, at most "tolerable newspaper literature" and its only redemption is in its sense of humor, an element that saves "luckily" the characters from their patriotism, despicability, or narrow-mindedness ("How" 375).
Chikwava is therefore using language--not so much to hide a political commentary that could be unpalatable to certain political actors--but to emphasise and to reinforce the despicability of the National Youth Service institution or programme whose graduates are pejoratively referred to as "Green Bombers".
Furthermore, they defined these ancient Nubians in the ancient texts as "wretched," a term implying dejection, cowardice, profound unhappiness, misery, poverty, unsatisfactory abilities, contemptibility, and despicability. These classifications were based on the European misinterpretation of the Medew Netcher word Kheset- [??] (Faulkner, 1962, p.