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Synonyms for desired

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for desired

greatly desired

wanted intensely


Related Words

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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For there Socrates says that people "desire those things that they believe to be good but that are in fact bad." This translation does indeed require that there be one set of objects that are (a) desired, (b) believed good, and (c) really bad.
On the basis of this approach, we included three covariates (age, number of living children and whether the woman desired more children) in the model; other variables, including education, marital status, household income and type of residence, were tested in the model, but made no significant contribution and were excluded.
Data revealed following: Sons desired 3.05+-2.061(1/12); Daughters desired 1.15+-0.767(0/4); 6.1%(n-31) and 0.6%(n-3) desired infinite number of sons and daughters respectively, 18.2%(n-92) did not desire to have even one daughter, while 2.2%(n-11) considered it immaterial to have daughters or sons.
Sexual desire discrepancy: The effect of individual differences in desired and actual sexual frequency on dating couples.
Then one can desire being brave because it is worthy to be desired as such, beyond the need that comes from the love of honor.
Aligning the erotic psychology of the former with the tripartite psychology of the latter creates some interesting if not always convincing arguments, principally around the arguably circular idea that philosophical desires are nobler because they are inspired by those objects desired by superior human beings (111-12).
Three main themes related to sex partner selection and sexual relationship dynamics emerged in the in-depth interviews: types of sex partners and desired traits, monogamy and affective needs.
* Alternatively, futile care has been defined as "ineffective and incapable of achieving a desired result or goal." (2) In these circumstances, mere survival may not be enough.
Alling begins her ambitious and comprehensive study with a provocative commentary on the lack of love in the two Stendhalian novels she proposes to analyze: "Il y a peu d'amour realise dans Le Rouge et le noir et dans La Chartreuse de Parme de Stendhal." Whether due to the inaccessibility of the desired object, the constraints of nineteenth-century society, or the aesthetics of the realist novel, reciprocal love escapes in general the protagonists.
This can be described further in terms of a dichotomy for violence based on the offender's desired outcome.
And in pursuing your most desired possibilities, you more fully become the unique and valuable person you are.
2002-15 is now modified and superseded by extending the time for filing a late initial entity--classification election beyond six months, to the unextended due date for the Federal return of the entity's desired classification for the year of its formation.
[9] Those who neither desired liberation nor freed themselves from the bondage of the ego will reincarnate.