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Synonyms for derision

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Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for derision

  • Collins
  • Roget's
  • WordNet

nounwords or actions intended to evoke contemptuous laughter

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for derision

  • Collins
  • Roget's
  • WordNet
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Then, like the Grand Old Duke of York, he may march his troops back from Brussels to the security of a bunker from which he could pour derision on the lesser mortals who attempt to negotiate free trade deals possibly during the two or more years of a transition period.
Ever since his induction into the Narendra Modi ministry last September, Alphons turned out to be the punching bag as whatever he spoke drew widespread derision, especially his reaction on the beef issue, rising petroleum prices and so on.
Les tableaux se suivent et ne se ressemblent pas, d'aucuns verront de la bande-dessinee, d'autres des scenes enfantines, mais la realite de ces travaux est tout autre, elle est certes enjouee, mais non denuee d'ironie, de sens politique ni de derision, ou en fait l'artiste est lui-meme d'abord sujet de cette derision, tant mieux, car sa modestie n'aura point a souffrir- et les peintures appreciees juste pour le plaisir et la bonne humeur qu'elles essayent de provoquer chez le regardeur, partage, rire et empathie pour une rencontre entre un artiste et son public.
TO BE or not to be that is the question The future of this nation is in suspension By disbelievers who avoid decision Treating voting with sneering derision Non-voters are just ignorant fools Who will hand the reins to stubborn mules The path to democracy was won by bitter conflict People who valiantly fought for it were executed Or became exiled convicts People who abstain from voting are like ostriches With heads in sand Instead of securing by pen fate of our land Voting is a must to put people in power we can trust by Mrs ET Bassett, OAP, Aigburth
The JANE HAMILTON light-hearted tweet was met with some derision from social media users while others found it funny.
BONO'S claims that Ireland's low corporation tax "brought our country the only prosperity we've known" will be regarded with "total derision" by many, it was claimed yesterday.
A party who disagrees with the derision of the ZBA must first request in writing a rehearing, stating every issue desired to be raised on appeal.
Post-derision statements from the two companies were predictably extreme: Apple applauded the verdict as a validation of values, characterizing it as "a loud and clear message that stealing isn't right"; Samsung asserted that the derision "should not be viewed as a win for Apple, but as a loss for the American consumer." But analysts found little to agree about, either.
Now he is a shrunken vain object of derision" Labour MP Paul Flynn
VARIOUS ARTISTS Space Hymns (Universal) FROM adoration to derision, prog rock has always sparked strong feelings - but it has stubbornly refused to breathe its last.
WRY laughs, and perhaps even snorts of derision, will be the response in some quarters to William Hague's challenge yesterday to the Prime Minister over his plans for spending cuts.
Families struggling to make ends meet and who do without rather than resorting to crime will no doubt treat such mitigation with derision. Benefit fraud is not a victimless crime.
To ban Togo from the next two Cup of Nations is a ridiculous decision and just leaves CAF open to ridicule and whoever within the federation has made this call, has left themselves open to serious derision.
He that sits in the heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision."