depth bomb

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a bomb that explodes at a preset depth under water


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References in periodicals archive ?
Morocco: Bomb, Depth bomb, Nonnuclear bomb (1953-1965)
Lack of confidence in own anti-submarine capability and fear of so called "only Pakistan Navy submarine presence at sea" was evident with resorting to option of dropping random depth bombs while IN ships were in submarine probable areas, in clear disregard for the marine ecosystem and the health of marine life.It was unfortunate astronomical chakra for India whereby at the most crucial standoff stage with Pakistan in recent years, availability of avant-guard (for India) Kilo Class submarines remained minimal only one could stay out while remaining were under some sort of maintenance.
Lack of confidence in own anti-submarine capability and fear of so called 'only Pakistan Navy submarine presence at sea' was evident with resorting to option of dropping random depth bombs while IN ships were in submarine probable areas, in clear disregard for the marine ecosystem and the health of marine life.
Two nuclear depth bombs on the undercarriage could deliver the goods, if called for.