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Synonyms for demagogical

adjcharacteristic of or resembling a demagogue


Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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The new party was to be "a catalysis of the political opposition, as a central party, without rigid ideology, as a live body, which is both flexible and away from popular, demagogical tendencies." (4) At his turn, the philosopher Mihai Sora stated that it is necessary to delimit the Civic Alliance's attributions from the ones of the party that is to be created.
The Shiv Sena supremo was one of the few politicians whose power stemmed from their demagogical skills and their ability to sway the masses.
"Resorting to the street is demagogical and only contributes to reinforcing lawlessness," Hoteit said.
It was, in concordance with the military manoeuvres already underway, a demagogical decision through which, by symbolically legitimizing rock by way of recognizing it and ceding a space for it, the military authorities intended to draw young people to the war against England.
He called for a "rational" debate about the next MFF, one focused on European added value, and encouraged Tusk to stand up to "populist" and "demagogical" arguments.
A demagogical reason that promises the suppression of contradictions, the establishing of an ideal equilibrium, where man may find a place in a history that is nothing but "the exteriorization of the Spirit in time".
What is present, instead, is a demagogical policy that is backfiring against the entire people of Iran.
He argued that the "radical and demagogical party" (the socialists) had no "idealistic goals." He contrasted this with the idealistic and Christian outlook of socialism's enemies.
The Budapest Conference, summoned by UNESCO and ICSU in 1999, took place at a moment when the world was influenced by the magic of the "free market", the majority of developing countries were taking roads towards privatization, diminishing the role of the State (including the reduction of its contribution to science and technology), free trade and other "neo-liberal" measures severely questioned today by al governments, many in demagogical ways, without much doing for their societies and even less for science, technology and innovation.
The new American approach has robbed the radicals of the demagogical value of its traditional antiAmerican rhetoric.
AaAa The speaker railed against the leak orchestrated for "purely political and demagogical ends" with the aim of harming the good relations between Morocco and the European Union (EU).
We should be interested not for prosecutorial purposes, but in order to gain a more profound understanding of a bloody, demagogical, and tyrannical Utopia aC" and of human weakness and vulnerability.
Golsan's case studies should be praised: they are well researched and well argued, his analytic language capable of teasing out subtleties in the demagogical rhetoric employed by his subjects while capturing in general terms the historical and political contexts in which Finkielkraut, Debray, or Courtois have made their erroneous, misleading points.
Yet without doing their homework their reaction to Al-Bashir indictment was hysterical and demagogical. An Arab writer, who also describes himself as a human right activist, by the name of Mahmood Al-Mubarak wrote an article in the daily Al-Hayat on July 14th criticizing Ocampo and the court calling it a tool in the hands of the US.
and like the evil sway of all demagogical tyrants in all ages (consider,