Si tamen in necem creditors, id estperdi turo servo vel filio solutum sit, quamvis solutum sit, desinit quidem versum, aequissimum autem est de dolo malo adversuspatrem vel dominum competere actionem: nam etpeculiaris
debitor, si fraudulenter servo solverit quod ei debebat, non liberatur.
Iago's epithets for Cassio--"
debitor and creditor," "countercaster"--seem strange in the context of the debate between martial "theorike" and "practike." Cassio has, as Jorgensen notes, probably been reading books similar to Stratioticos.
These are "such as are contriv'd on Purpose to supply the Defect of a
Debitor or Creditor, in all personal or real Accompts; seeing that no Accompt can alone consist of a
Debitor without a Creditor, or vice versa".
By issuing a bill of a exchange, a buyer (the
debitor, in this context known as the drawee) can pay the seller (payee).
`Donec tamen satisficat, Ecclesie adhuc
debitor est, adhuc ligatus, nondum a debito future pene solutus.' Dum autem ad sacerdotem venture est, dum culpam suam se ipsum acusando reus fatetur, dumque iniuncta satisfactio condigna suscipitur, `a debito future dampnacionis solvit eum sacerdos, id est per sacerdotem Deus.'"
(53) `Non simpliciter est
debitor <Deus> nisi bonitati suae, ut diligat eam; creaturis autem est
debitor ex liberalitate qua, ut communicet eis quad natura sua exigit, ,quae exigentia in eis ponitur quoddam iustum, ,quasi secundarium obiectum illius iustitiae'; Ord.
Totusi, daca hotararea judecatoreasca certificata ca titlu executoriu european a incetat sa fie executorie, ca efect al admiterii caii de atac exercitate de
debitor, ori sa suspendat sau limitat caracterul sau executoriu, se elibereaza un certificat care precizeaza suspendarea sau limitarea fortei executorii, pe baza de cerere adresata in orice moment instantei de origine, utilizand formularul tip prevazut in anexa IV (art.
Table - 1 Progress made in corporate debt restructuring by IBRA (Rp billion) Phases of debt Number of 50 biggest 21 biggest restructuring
Debitor obligors(3) obligors(3) Initial negotiations 11,122 1,253 231 Standstill's Creditor's 244 0 0 agreement Advisory agreement 11,850 3,756 1,237 Due diligence 20,439 7,501 3,230 Restructuring negotiations 53,077 29,598 10.308 Finalization of 50,390 47,568 46.104 restructuring proposal Implementation of 12,974 10,938 8.845 restructuring proposal Fully paid 4,205 2,534 2.279 In legal process 9,042 7,374 6.305 Other(2) 94,923 16,128 8.587
(1588), A Briefe linstruction and Mane how to Keepe Bookes of Accompts after the Order of
Debitor and Creditor, & as well for Proper Accompts Partible, etc.