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Words related to dealignment

a process whereby voters are moved toward nonpartisanship thus weakening the structure of political parties

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This underlines how the rise of populism and moments like Brexit are also bringing some voters back into the political system amid generally higher rates of dealignment.
The survey results show that the phenomenon of "partisan dealignment" is emerging in Taiwan, said You Ying-lung, the chairman of the polling institute.
After a series of political disappointments, supporters finally broke their silence and announced dealignment from the Islamic political society of Al Wefaq, the report said.
Instead, Obama's crossover votes among the younger electorate may represent a dealignment, meaning voters are becoming less wedded to any party.
Stanley, Southern Partisan Changes: Dealignment, Realignment, or Both?, 50 J.
"The Changlng Structure of Political Cleavages In Western Society Electoral Change in Advanced Industrial Democracies: Realignment or Dealignment?".
It thus becomes more difficult to predict the behavior of voters, who nowadays tend more toward short-term voting and seem to have lost partly or completely their former party affiliation--these developments have been characterized using the term 'dealignment' (Dalton 2002).
Electoral change in advanced industrial democracias: realignment or dealignment?.
Written by academics from the US, UK, Canada, and Germany, chapters address the governance of Angela Merkel's "Grand Coalition" of parties in the pre-election period, evidence in the 2009 elections for long-term party dealignment, the dismal results for the Social Democratic Party as a product of long-term political developments, coalitional dynamics before and after the election, party compliance with their voluntarily adopted gender quotas and possible contagion effects on parties without quotas, the impact of new technologies on political participation and turnout, and the role of foreign policy issues in the elections.
Overall, the situation seems like the post-1968 norm that political scientists call dealignment: the public doesn't seem willing to trust either party with undivided control of the government for very long.
(25) See, for example, Balkin and Levinson, "Understanding the Constitutional Revolution" (explaining the Court's federalism jurisprudence as a result of Republican party entrenchment); Mark Tushnet, The New Constitutional Order (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003) (explaining the Court's jurisprudence in reference to electoral dealignment, divided government, and partisan polarization); and Christopher H.
(4) For discussion on earthquake elections, see Ole Borre, "Critical Electoral Change in Scandinavia," in Electoral Changes in Advanced Industrial Democracies: Realignment or Dealignment? eds.