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Synonyms for dateable

that can be given a date


Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
For example, there are no heart-shaped leaves in Figures 4.11 or 4.12; neither are they illustrated in the cross-referenced Dated and Dateable Manuscript Borders.
Visual assessment of such images can also reveal dateable "events" recorded during skeletal growth ("stress bands"; Hudson et al., 1976).
Generally, Ramadan writes in a gauzy prose bereft of references to named individuals, dateable events, or determinate causal processes.
Cutesy iPad and flashmob scenes suggest opportunistic fad association more than genuine pop-culture proficiency, which could explain why the script seems so clueless about the logistics of actual "sex friends" relationships, which tend to dissolve around the time a dateable third party comes along.
Examination and coring of the buried peat stratigraphy below landslide deposits, and in sand blows, may ultimately yield a dateable record of tectono-geomorphic activity.
Atgazis, too, notes that even taking into consideration the flourishing economic conditions and migration processes of the 8th century, the number of graves traditionally regarded as dateable to this century is too large, and might indicate population influx (Atgazis 1994).
Her children wear historically dateable, ordinarily commercial swimsuits, which are at the center of her photographs, and often the brightest and most optically complicated parts of her images.
The style is known to have existed in Rome and Campania in Italy and is dateable between 15 and 10 B.C.E.
(18) Both the language of Magnyfycence and its thematic concern with the (mis)use of rhetoric suggest that it was composed close in time to Speke Parrot, which is dateable to 1519-21.
They could be linked to the Neolithic: many stone tools were found in the basin, a prehistoric-style burial was uncovered, and digging in the caves yielded dateable material 900 years old.
The oil painting, dateable to around 1775, the year Stubbs began exhibiting at the Royal Academy, surfaces at a private collection at Christie's in London on November 22.