date bread

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bread containing chopped dates

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References in periodicals archive ?
But, the piece de resistance of this break-fast menu is, without a doubt, the Sticky Date Bread Puddingwarm toasty challah doused in gooey, sticky caramel sauce that's been sweetened with golden dates.
Tender, crisp-fried lamb tongue with star-anise sauce delivers, as do the silky foie gras ice cream and the date bread pudding with black olive-infused caramel and chorizo-candied almonds.
After all, we pay enough dough for our feed without having to come home with out of date bread rolls.
Mom was a great believer in rewards--a candy bar taped to the back of your violin case; movie tickets tucked in an algebra book; a beautiful silk scarf tied to the handle of the lawn mower--and now this: five white envelopes, one addressed to each one of us: Heather's Chocolate Chip Cookies, Karen's Key Lime Pie, Patty's Cinnamon Buns, Ellen's Date Bread, Ashley's Mango Chutney.