The government of KPK has directed the education department to include
damaged school facilities under their Annual Development Program (ADP) for reconstruction and rehabilitation.
Weevil performance in no-choice bioassays (measured by
damaged leaf area per weevil) indicates that weevils perform better on plants with simulated adult (leaf) damage than on plants with simulated larval (axillary) damage, but weevils performed equally well on all treatment groups relative to undamaged plants.
Dornier Do17s: Destroyed, 39,
damaged, 13, pilots killed, 30, missing, 74, wounded, 19.
In the disk array configuration that consists of multiple hard disks for single parity capacity, when one hard disk
damaged, the disk array can replace the
damaged hard disk with a spare hard disk and restore the system's normal operating mode, a process known as "disk array recovery".
Both the transducer and extruder can be
damaged if the extruder is not brought up to operating temperature before production begins.
In experiments, commercial wheat flour was mechanically
damaged using a conical- shaped stone rotating grinder to generate different levels of
damaged starch.
In addition to landing gear, engine components, and the plane's "black boxes," chunks of aluminum and other plane debris were found inside the
damaged section of the building.
Specimen #1A is obviously
damaged to the naked eye, and shows a peak temperature drop of 40 %.
The researchers purified ATR from human connective tissue cells, then mixed the purified ATR with both
damaged and undamaged DNA.
In revenue ruling 80-175, however, it changed its position and allowed the sale of
damaged timber to qualify for section 1033 treatment.
72-372, the Service denied involuntary-conversion treatment when an uninsured taxpayer sold trees
damaged in a hurricane, even though the trees would have decayed or been destroyed by insects if not sold.
When the nerves of the bladder are
damaged, urinary incontinence may result because a person may not be able to sense when the bladder is full or control the muscles that release urine.
As many as 175 vehicles belonging to Department of Defense service members were destroyed or
damaged in a mid-ocean ship fire June 9.
In some cases, a party who is
damaged by a Y2K problem might be able to bring a breach of contract action if the contract with the party contained promises or reassurances about the vendor's Y2K compliance.