Glial damage was also seen upon
CORM administration.
It does prefer dry summers, as do most bulbs and
corms, but will comfortably settle for soil with excellent drainage.
These purple-blossomed
corms are available for pre-order in spring, purchased and shipped in fall, and planted in September within the Northern hemisphere.
Accession###Corm###Cormel###Total yield (
Corm and cormel)
5 May 2017 - US-based carbon monoxide therapies developer Proterris, Inc and Portuguese Carbon Monoxide-Releasing Molecules (
CORMs) therapies developer Alfama, Inc.
(2014), studying gladiolus as a function of N fertilization and
corm diameter, observed that, in general, large
corms promoted higher number and length of leaves, with low response to fertilization, while small
corms were the most benefited by N fertilization, probably due to the lower reserve of nutrients.
Whereas crocus have
corms, cyclamen have tubers, underground stems or roots.
Tarom accession had the higher harvesting index, number of leaves,
corm diameter, neck diameter to
corm diameter ratio, cormlet weight and
corm dry matter and the lowest
corm height and number of cormlet while the highest total yield and neck diameter was obtained from Hamedan and Langroud accessions respectively (Table 6).
Translated into English and Arabic for the first time, the essay forms the curatorial basis of the AUBAG show's exploration of
Corm's aesthetic position.
Place in the sun to cure (dry), then shake off any clinging soil, break off the old
corm, and store in paper bag (never plastic) in a frost-free location over winter.
NNA - 16/6/2011- "Change and Reform" parliamentary bloc member, General Michel Aoun, received Thursday at his residence in Rabiya former Minister George
Corm who congratulated him on the formation of the cabinet which "bears his (Michel Aoun) touches and has a strong reform approach." Following the meeting,
Corm said that discussions tackled the necessary positions which need reform in this cabinet as well as the difficult regional situation.
The genus Crocus is well adapted to such conditions, the plants being in active growth from autumn to late spring and surviving the summer drought below ground by means of a compact
corm. Many species commence their above-ground growth at the onset of autumn rains and flower almost immediately; some of these produce their leaves and flowers concurrently, or nearly so, while others bloom without leaves and delay their leaf production until the onset of warmer weather, usually in spring.
The Lebanese economist and historian
Corm has written a timely book contributing to our understanding of a Middle East which is marked by complexities and conflicts.