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Synonyms for copula

an equating verb (such as 'be' or 'become') that links the subject with the complement of a sentence

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References in periodicals archive ?
In the above example the Greek subject pronoun upsu; is translated in CPA with [phrase omitted], while the copula is left untranslated.
In contrast, to introduce dependence for scenarios 3 and 4, we assume that the losses follow Exp(mean = 1) and have either a Gaussian copula (weak tail dependence) or a Gumbel copula (strong tail dependence).
The author of this article finds it consistent to define the predication markers occurring with the aforementioned adnominal phrases as the enclitic manifestations of a concrete verb, the copula ul'ems, rather than affixes taken over from the verbal paradigms.
Properties of Copulas. Not every function C(u, v) is a copula for an appropriate 2D distribution.
Let F and H be continuous cumulative distribution functions and C be a copula function.
In general, a copula function combines the joint distribution function of random variable, F([x.sub.1], [x.sub.2], ...
For the second method, we propose taking the dependent structure, which is concentrated in the posterior distribution of parameters, and using this structure for simulating a distribution with the same dependent features based on the copula method (Nelsen, 2006).
Individuals decrease foraging and thermoregulating behaviors when in copula, though this can be alleviated through nuptial gifts (Watson et al., 1998).
Copula theory [13] could provide an effective way of modelling stochastic dependence.
In the article titled "A Theoretical Argument Why the t-Copula Explains Credit Risk Contagion Better than the Gaussian Copula" [1], the name of the fourth author was given incorrectly as Satjaporn Tungsong.
[36, 37] calculated the joint probability distribution using the copula function combining multiple marginal distributions, the copula function has come to the forefront as an effective tool for multivariate frequency analysis, as it can take account of drought variables that are mutually related [38], and is now being widely utilized [39-44].