Landis+Gyr has engaged
consultatively in projects that are successfully implementable from a technology and architectural perspective, and also demonstrate economic and ecological benefits.
that's really causing some tensions, we're used to working collaboratively, we're used to working
consultatively ...
The Central Bank has approached banks for their opinions on the matter, and is now working
consultatively to find the best solution for all.
* An originator not only must have the skill to create mortgage demand, but must know how to sell
consultatively. In this more difficult sales environment, an originator's success depends on innate talent and level of consultative sales knowledge.
I want to do the right things, and I'm going to do it as
consultatively as possible and as humanely as possible, but change is not something that is comfortable to a lot of people.
In his new position, Dumnich will work
consultatively with financial professionals in the financial institution distribution channel.
The federal government is right to define our target, and then, as stated, "mediate provincial interests
consultatively" when we decide how to achieve it.
Much of the action shifts to subteams, where the decisions tend to be reached by consensus or
consultatively. Leader-centered decisionmaking enjoys one paramount advantage--the decision process is clear; it is the leader, stupid.
On a high-performing team, there are clearly defined protocols for decision making: who will make them, how they will be made--unilaterally,
consultatively, or by consensus--and by when.
We will work
consultatively and collaboratively with the independent outpatient care practices, Dubai Health Authority and other stakeholders to develop an appropriate and targeted plan that will meet the needs of the people of Dubai.Eoe1/4Y AGB currently provides comprehensive health benefits coverage for close to 400,000 expatriates, third-country nationals and key local nationals in over 100 countries, including the United Arab Emirates.
In any case, the provider should
consultatively assess the best point in the application process at which to accomplish the dual goals of increasing the number of qualified applicants who apply and ensuring that the highest quality applicants reach hiring managers.
This Know-How may be exercised
consultatively as well as executively and involves, in some combination, the areas of organizing, planning, executing, controlling, and evaluating.